David and I started the Results business 10 years ago and we were thrown a ten year anniversary party by our Australian regional manager Kylie Evans, held in Sydney, which was lovely. In that time we have amassed a fortune in friendships and connections around the globe and for that we are extraordinarily grateful. We have also lived fully, traveled lots and had some amazing experiences.

Trinity 'graduated' from her day care place, London Carriage. The graduation ceremony was something to behold including the singing of the Australian national anthem. Tears came to the eyes for all the wrong reasons.

David also got the first NeuroLeadership Journal published, and we sent it out just before Christmas. Quite an achievement which David is deeply proud of.

Christmas was cold and gray only lit up by our Christmas tree making attempt using big blocks.
We traveled to Hyams Beach to be with my family. Sadly Trinity had a cold and the gray continued. Our surroundings were beautiful as was the normal excess of food that makes an Ellis Christmas.