Summer is always so magical in Sydney, with so much happening and generally good weather. We enjoy where we live taking advantage of the beach when we can. Sometime a trampoline and hose will suffice though.
As part of the Sydney festival there was a Dawn Chorus performance at Bondi Beach one morning with the Sydney Philharmonic Choir. The girls and I got up and went down to hear the beautiful voices in the still dawn. It was magical and worth the early rise.
India started day care and was a brave trooper, carrying her own bag and walking in with no prompting, ready to be entertained. Aside from a little separation anxiety she loves London Carriage, especially the singing and sandpit play.Australia Day was spent at the bergs, being part of swimming relay team. I swam for Japan, as there was not enough team members, and we did exceptional well. I think it was rigged that we didn't come second. But like all things at the bergs, we know not how they work
. We do know that it is great family fun, laid back and a wonderful community to be a part of.India's 2nd birthday was on January 30th. We had a family party involving cupcakes (thanks Thersea and Siani).
Trinity started school this year. Her first day at Kindergarten was made easy by a buddy she was assigned called Asia. Trinity was brave and determined, and focused on fitting in. She loves Bondi Beach Public School, and loves running around the playground at the end of the day, just one more time. She also has a fairy house in the nook of a tree that she enjoys playing at.