We arrived in Singapore two days before our annual Leadership Retreat event and with much jet lag. The girls were handed to babysitters, though these sometimes includes RCS staff, which were firm favourites by far. We had approximately twenty five people from around the globe for three days talking about how to grow our business and launching new products etc. By the end of it most people were exhausted and ready for a break. We changed gears and went into a train the trainer process for another couple of days - then it was time to rest.
David had missed the last two days to work with a client in KualaLumpa. We met back in Singapore and from there went straight to Bintan Club Med, voted our 'best ever holiday' last time around. And it did not disappoint. The food is outstanding, the pace slow, the people memorise all children's names and on holiday happy occupied children make for happy, relaxed parents.
Trinity found a new best friend with Ester a french girl living in Singapore. They hung out together constantly and loved playing on the beach until after sunset each night. The girls got to perform in a couple of shows.
Trinity sang 'I can sing a rainbow' while another girl signed. They also faced an air guitar championship. India didn't quite get it though, see the video below.
On our final full day in Singapore we went back to the Zoo. We fed giraffes and elephants and Trinity got a long kiss from a sea lion. It doesn't get much better then that.