The girls and I caught up with David after arriving in New York. We settled in for the month of October with the girls excited to be attending Blue School.

David and my time was incredibly busy, with less of the normal sight seeing and entertainment I try to pack in to our trips.

The US business has stepped up to another level and we were busy keeping up with the growth and changes. We hired two new high level staff for the North American business, as well as closed some deals with great clients.
We did take one sunny Sunday to go uptown to the Cloisters, an art gallery and part of the metropolitan museum, specialising in medieval art. The guide books give much talk about the unicorn tapestries, and suggest these are an excellent draw card for kids. What they didn't mention is that in all of the tapestries the unicorns are being captured, tortured or worse. Not ideal for little girls. There was also a wonderful tasting garden full of edible plants and herbs.

Another high point was right next store, in the art gallery called
Dietch. There was a temporary photographic studio set up, with lights, makeup table, and other amazing photographic resources, so we booked the studio for a few hours and
took some photos, which will be shared at a later date. The girls enjoyed being on both sides of the camera. I also got a new camera though this one is bigger and harder to take around.
We went off to Brooklyn for a BBQ and backyard bonfire, with some old friends, Jess and Adrian, then David and I whizzed off for quick trip to New

Orleans for an Organisational Development conference for two nights while '
aunty' Marni looked after the children.

The week after it was the
NeuroLeadership Summit in Boston which was an amazing success and . Three days of neuroscience and wonderful people. We even had a dual off with gospel choirs for the gala dinner.

The kids got to spend quality time with Sophie the babysitter and tireless reader of Harry Potter. They walked the freedom trail, visited the
grainary graveyard as well the Boston Children's museum. The weather was freakishly warm for Boston in late October and the trees and leaves were beautiful and varied.

The weekend of our return to New York was Halloween. Some of the crew from the summit came down and we went out to Wicked the
musical on Saturday night and walked some of the parade through Greenwich village dressed up in our finest on Sunday eve.
India was dressed up as a princess and Trinity dressed as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I have no good photos of this night sadly. David dressed as a southern rocker with a mullet and I was a pirate. Trinity walked all the way up to 9
th Street with
Gracen, her 'older sister' who lives in the apartment we share in Soho.
The girls were sad to leave Blue School, however the
sunshine and warmth of Sydney coming into summer heals many things. David will follow us home via Germany and Singapore.