Last year I requested that David take this week off. It includes my birthday (1st), Trinity's birthday (7th) and mothers day (2nd sunday of May), so this really is the big family week of the year, at least in my book.

David decided that the perfect week would be in Banff, as he surely loves to snow board. So we booked into the Sunshine Village Lodge, the only ski in accommodation in Banff, and the only field still open so late in the season.
The snow to date had been fairly poor with a base of 150cm only. But it started snowing from the time we arrived and only stopped in patches for the whole time we were there. With 20cm of powder over our time there, we were happy.
There was a wonderful day care place for when the girls couldn't face the onslaught of snow each day, when it was too cold to deal with a lesson. And they loved it.

The girls had toboggan runs there too, and India would have occasional ski lessons during her stay in day care, which she loved. By the time she left she could keep her ski's together and laughed loudly when gaining speed going downhill.

Each day after the lifts had closed we sat in the hot tub, with occasional trips out to make snow angels in the snow.
David and I got to board in 2ocm of powder, the best snow I have ever been on, with an awesome mountain or three to choose from. Our favourite was Goat's Eye mountain, which was pretty much pure black diamond runs.

Trinity's brithday was the last full day on the slopes and David started it with an snow cake with icicle candles that were blown out.
We then left early the next morning for our next adventure - Blue School in New York.
Below is a video of India skiing and Trinity boarding - I am sorry it is sidewards, but I dont know how to change the orientation!
Here is Trinity boarding with her dad.
India is a cute as ever. And, Trinity's boarding ROCKS!! This is a really beautiful way to keep up with you all on your travels.